Sunday, August 9, 2009

7th post - Run Like Siao!

Wah! Faster chiong the last post. Anyways, I ran like mad yesterday. I ran 9.6km in 65mins! But my personal record is 10.6km in 70mins. Jonathan claims he can run 10km in 27mins (I can believe it after almost a year because you will need to sprint for the whole 10km to do that). After running such a long distance, I legs could not stop walking. Its a feeling you will get after running a long distance.

Nothing to say already, so, I put some random things AGAIN!

Chelsea got their hands on the first trophy of the English season on Sunday when they beat Manchester United on penalties to win the curtain-raising Community Shield after a lively Wembley encounter had ended 2-2.

Pakistan is the 6th most populated country with 172.8 million people.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Moon Is Red!

OMG! WTF! LMAO! WOW! The moon today is red!! So weird! Siao lah! I thought its Mars sia.

Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System. The average centre-to-centre distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384,403 km, about thirty times the diameter of the Earth. The common centre of mass of the system is located about 1,700 km—a quarter the Earth's radius—beneath the surface of the Earth. The Moon makes a complete orbit around the Earth every 27.3 days, and the periodic variations in the geometry of the Earth–Moon–Sun system are responsible for the phases of the moon, which repeat every 29.5 days.

Also, the moon moves about 20cm away from the Earth every year!

The Moon is red today!! It is also full moon today!! Faster go and see!! If you know why like that, then faster tell me!! Siao siao siao siao!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Waste Your Time

Warning: These facts might waste your time.

The most expensive Rubik's Cube was the Masterpiece Cube, produced by Diamond Cutters International in 1995. The actual-size, fully functional cube features 22.5 karats of amethyst, 34 karats of rubies, and 34 karats of emeralds, all set in 18-karat gold. It has been valued at about US$1.5 mil.

My IQ is 122.

The number of millionaires in Singapore are 3 in every 200.

McDonalds has more than 30,000 outlets worldwide.

Promethium is the 61st element of the perodic table. Promethium's longest lived isotope 145Pm is a soft beta emitter with a half-life of 17.7 years. It does not emit gamma rays, but beta particles impinging on elements of high atomic numbers can generate X-rays, and a sample of 145Pm does produce some such soft X-ray radiation in addition to beta particles.

You are looking at this post.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Life Is Sad

Homework, homework and homework. Even this is homework.

When I play 3 vs 3 in Red Alert 3, my 2 allies disconnected before we even started, leaving me to battle 3 seasoned pros alone. Although I lasted 12mins. I still lost.

In case you do not know. My record in solving a Rubik`s cube is 36 SECONDS!!!!!!! But i cant solve that fast now. If you what to solve a cube in 20 seconds or less, you will need to learn about 110 formulas which consist of about 10 steps each. ( 436710346 times worse than remembering the perodic table. )

Monday, August 3, 2009

Nothing Better To Do!

WARNING: this blog post is 100% pure crap.

49 days to season 4 of HEROES.

This is the formula for anaerobic respiration in plants. LOL
C6H12O6→ 2CH3CH2OH + 2CO2 + 118kJ of Energy

Helium is the chemical element with atomic number 2, and is represented by the symbol He. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert monatomic gas that heads the noble gas group in the periodic table. Its boiling and melting points are the lowest among the elements and it exists only as a gas except in extreme conditions.

In 1816 a tooth said to have belonged to Newton was sold for £730(us$3,633) in London to an aristocrat who passed to have it set in a ring. The Guinness World Records 2002 classified it as the most valuable tooth, which would value approximately £25,000 (us$35,700) in late 2001's terms. Who has bought it and to whom it currently pertains are mysteries.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


PHYSICS SO ********* BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet everyone prefers Mr Goh to Mrs Lee. I WANT MR GOH!! Somemore, now must do physics homework + cant understand what the heck our teacher talking with her "funny" hand gestures. It is so dumb.

Who want me to spam you sms in physics lesson? I will be happy to spam you. Physics is so boring that I can daydream once every 7 seconds. Concentrating is so hard that i need 4 cups of coffee to pay attention for 5 minutes only.

In conclusion, dont fight with me for the toilet pass during physics lesson please!!!!!!!!